Author Update – I’m doing Camp NaNoWriMo
April is here, so I thought it would be a good time to tell you about Camp NaNoWriMo and give you an author update.
Camp NaNoWriMo
If you don’t know, Camp NaNoWriMo is a flexible version of November’s NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). While in November the general aim is to write 50k of a new novel, in Cam5p NaNo writers can choose their own goals and continue to work on existing projects.
For April Camp NaNo, my goal is to write 20k words to the 5th novel in my historical fiction series. I wrote 50k of the novel during Nano last November, so I’m hoping to hit a total of 70k words for the manuscript by the end of the month. However I’ve got a couple of other things on in April as well as going away for a few days, so it might be I’ve tweaked the goal by the end.
The story follows Imogen, a Princess of the Kingdom of Rheged, who is still trying to prosper peace in the north of Briton, but Edwin of Deira seems to have war on his mind. Alliances might not prove to be so friendly in the end…
It’s the first time I’m working on the novel since November, so I’m excited to write the next part of the story! I’ll let you know how I got on later on in the month.
General Author Update
It’s been a busy couple of months! In early March, I finished my 2nd round of edits for book 4 in my series. Over the last few months I’ve been keeping in close contact with my publishers, too, drawing closer to the manuscript for book 3 being finalised. I’m hoping to sign off on it on the next few days, then hopefully it will go in the queue for publication. I’ll let you know as soon as I know!
The other big news is more personal. Three weeks ago, my husband and moved house! My hubby is a vicar in the Church of England and he accepted a new job in February. So that’s why I’ve been a bit more offline, due to preparing to move house and then unpacking endless boxes! We have moved to a lovely area – still fairly local to Manchester – and we are enjoying getting to know people at our new church.
I’ve also enjoyed getting back to a more regular schedule, as I took a couple of weeks off from writing stuff for the move (and did I mention the unpacking?).
Thanks for Reading
Thanks so much for reading! What are your plans for April? Are any of you doing Camp NaNoWriMo? I’d love to connect – why not drop a comment, or get in touch on social media? You can also head to my contact me page.
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Till next time,
Maria 🙂