2020 Writing Goals

2020 Writing Goals

Happy New Year all! It’s just gone 10 am on this dreary January morning. Today is my first day back after the Christmas break. The fact it took ten minutes to start my laptop properly shows it’s been a while since I last wrote anything. It was lovely to have some time off after Christmas, but I can tell it might take me a bit to get back into the swing of things. Around this time of year people are making

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NaNoWriMo 2019

NaNoWriMo 2019

In the words of Porky Pig, ‘that’s all folks!’ NaNoWriMo is over for another year! Writers all over the world are closing their laptops as well as their eyelids, trying to catch up sleep. If they’re anything like me, November whizzed by as I attempted to write throughout the 30 days of November, so I would have a brand-spanking new 50K novel by the end of the month. This was my second attempt doing the main event in November. It follows

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Walking in the footsteps of the Brontes

Walking in the footsteps of the Brontes

You don’t have to know me for very long to find out Jane Eyre is my favourite book. I think I first read it when I was about 11 and instantly fell in love with it. I was gripped from the very first lines: “There was no possibility of taking a walk that day. We had been wondering, indeed, in the leafless shrubbery an hour in the morning; but since dinner (Mrs. Reed, when she had no company, dined early) the

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Summer Update 2019

Summer Update 2019

Hi everyone! Sorry it’s been so long since I last did anything on this blog! For a while my main engagement focus has been more with social media, particularly setting up my Facebook page. It’s been a busy couple of months over the summer, too, what with a couple of small holidays and having Holiday Club for children at our church. With now coming into September, it’s hopefully going to be a fresh start! I’m intending on starting a Facebook Group,

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